Tuesday 12 June 2007

“This is not an exit”

IF Topic: "Suit"

Paper Collage with patterns from magazine advertisments. And lots of glue. (if you cant tell)

Not done very neatly this week, but i have an excuse! i've got a shocking cold and have alot to do so quickly cut and pasted this in a total of.. yes 10mins!

This topic reminded me of American Psycho by Brett Easton Ellis. A wonderfully written if horrible and disturbing book. Written from the point of view of the killer, Ellis fills pages with anal-retentive attention to clothing to signify how obsessed and insane the killer really is. (At one stage he contemplates a horrific murder when a friend/associate has businesscards made out of better paper then his.) I read an interview with the author once who said that, if you looked up every single piece of clothing described and put together the outfits you would see how horrible these men are actually dressed. Clashing patterns and materials - even for the 80s! So when i was picking patterns for the suit, i kept that in mind.

He’s wearing a linen suit by Canali Milano, a cotton shirt by Ike Behar, a silk tie by Bill Blass and cap-toed leather lace-ups from Brook Brothers. I’m wearing a lightweight linen suit with pleated trousers, a cotton shirt, a dotted silk tie, all by Valentine Couturem and perforated cap-toe leather shoes by Allen-Edmonds. Van Patten is wearing a double-breasted wool and silk sport coat, button-fly wool and silk trousers with inverted pleats by Mario Velntino, a cotton shirt by Gitman Brothers, a polka-dot silk tie by Bill Blass and leather shoes from Brooks Brothers. McDermott is wearing a woven-linen suit with pleated trousers, a button-down cotton and linen shirt by Basile, a silk tie by Joseph Abboud and ostrich loafers from Susan Bennis Warren Edwards."
American Psycho - Brett Easton Ellis



Katarina said...

a very cool tie ;)

Barbara said...


Anonymous said...

i love this! and anyone using "lux" in their name is just fabulous in my book. i think i like the flowers behind the tie even more than the tie itself. you are good with collages.

Anonymous said...
