Tuesday, 29 May 2007

rocknroll suicide

Numeracy & Literacy Test - Check
First Aid certificate - Check

Been so very busy. Haven't had time to think let alone do anything creative in the slightest. I lie, I did knit Seth a little scarf on Sunday night. I hope to get some photos of it tomorrow. Have found my old digital camera so as soon as i get that working i'm back in business!

Last week, i had a dream of spiral staircases. I was unable to climb them, everyone else - seemingly everyone i had ever met or knew, was capable of climbing them no worries. I was frozen to the spot and could only watch them leave. Miracle happened - i eventually got to the top, but what everyone else saw - that amazing view - i couldn't see. It really played on my mind so i've been drawing spirals for a while.

i've been a stalker of the illustration Friday website for some time now and i thought it may be interesting just to play along too. i missed last weeks subject which was signs but this is the rush job i had put together.

Weekly Unconscious Mutterings:

  1. Dancer ::
  2. Hold me closer tiny...
  3. Intellectual ::
  4. sexy
  5. Direct ::
  6. order
  7. Tolerate ::
  8. unbearable
  9. Post ::
  10. postcard
  11. Instinctive::
  12. natural
  13. Brink ::
  14. edge
  15. Regain ::
  16. revenge
  17. Repulsed ::
  18. smell
  19. Distressed ::
  20. sob